I dreamt of you last night...in my dreams I was so so happy to see you,
You came back!
I gave you the biggest hug. We talked and then...
I lost you...and I couldn't find you...
it was the worst feeling....It hurt so much when I couldn't find you...
then I woke up and the feeling that I lost one of the most important
people in my life....I feel so so so lost .
At times it stuns me that you're gone....
(sharing your stories, one post at a time.)
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010
So James like was is the problem? I haven’t seen you in my dream in a while. What? your bitch ass aint speaking to me. LOL.
Dear James,
I don’t know what to say. But I really miss you. I went to a bridal shower the other day and they were playing old school love songs. I was laughing to myself because I could have seen your reaction to those songs if you were here. Man.. Let me tell you, Jordyn is now 7 months she will be 8 months on the 19th. James my daughter is funny. I can’t wait until she starts talking. So many thoughts of you everyday. I can’t lie sometimes I try to block them out so I wont feel pain. To be honest, I think that’s what I have been doing all this time, Just blocking it all out.
So do you think I should get Jordyn a tee-shirt that says “My uncle James is Irish” I really going to refrain from the word “was”. I think people will get a kick out if it.
Well anyway, there’s so much I want to say at the moment, but I’m at work. So I will come back later. Love You!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
what was Monday, April 7th...?
so, we moved. again. i know. you would have told me to settle already. just like you did when i was serial dating, and you were worried about why i wasnt willing to put any roots down. i did. we did. you would have yelled at me. "you have too much shit, Zaida. what the fuck do you need all this stuff for?"