(sharing your stories, one post at a time.)

Friday, August 22, 2008


 Some of the James-ism I've heard and thought to myself what the hell does that mean
but to him they meant something, and they were really funny.
"Come over I'll cook you something"
'Stop being a punk bitch"
'Zagga Zaug' (If some almost trip and fell he would say that)
'I love you, you my bitch" (His way of saying he loves you)
'I'll give these four up just for you" (If you are walking with him and he saw a cute girl)
"I hope she get gonorrhea"
"Yo did you eat a fart sandwich"
"Come with me to get a bagel & lock" (One of his favorite thing to eat)
"Come with me to get a coffee"
"What are we having for lunch you buying lunch today"
I know there is a whole lot more but these are the ones I can think of right now
As I'm writing I can't help but laugh. He was so funny.

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