(sharing your stories, one post at a time.)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Hey you.
You know I thought as the days went by, things would get bearable, not
easy, just enough where I can do my daily living.
But, I can't.
I'm stuck.
I 'm stuck in a place of no hope, confusion, torment, and endless dreams.
I don't know why I dream of you so much. But it kills me, cause I feel you
in my dreams, and hope you're here when I awake. (My keyboard is drenched with tears)....
You are definitely are hard person to get over....you've always been.
I never could imagine you not here. Even if you moved, I knew I would be able to call you.
Even when we didn't speak for a while you always, always, always called me when I missed you.
God, this can't be happening.  In a month I will
start my last semester finishing my second BA, then it's off to grad school. I need to be.
I thought if I took this time to grieve you, alllow you to envelope me, cry my eyes out, that when
I needed to return to my life I would be able to, but it doesn't seem like it.
I use to love being alone. I loved my alone time, just me and my thoughts, although I still love it,
I dread it, cuz I get lost in my thoughts and you consume me. I want to speak to you. I need to know that you
are good. I want you here!!!!!!!!
I only hope you knew what you meant to me. I think you do cuz you were always too cocky for your own good.
I remember when we first met. I thought," augh, he's so full of himself...." little did I knew I was fall for it. lol.
I miss your friendship. I miss knowing you'd always, always be here. I miss those odd calls, at odd times, usually
about nothing...
I think I'm going insane.......I gets harder and harder to breathe at times.......
~Kamela :)

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