(sharing your stories, one post at a time.)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

What you taught me...

I have so many fond memories with you.
The not so good ones, I put them aside b/c,
what's the point. We all make mistakes. We're
all human,  And most of all we hurt the ones
we love the most, right?!?
I met you when I was 20. I was so young.
So hopeful. So niave. LOL.
You burrowed your way into this place
inside my soul, where you remain, for always.
You taught me so so so much.
How to hold a bat.
How to make a stance to hit the ball.
How to cook without making a mess
and having tons of dishes in the sink afterwards.
What good music is and how to recognize it.
You taught me how to live in the past and want to
always be there.
You taught me how to hold onto the preciousness in
my life.
You taught me how you got into people's head
and how you stayed there.
You taught me how to be alone and enjoy it.
You taught me that I can clean the tub at anytime
night or day.
You taught me that I can be anything and do anything
that I want.
You made me recognize that I am a good person.
Though times you "hated"me, you never called me a
"bitch" at least not to my face. LOL My sister
says otherwise.
You taught me unconditional love.
And you brought me an array of people,
that now after you're gone I hold tight to
b/c they are what you left behind.
We are your legacy.  We are you.
~Forever 'n a Day

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