(sharing your stories, one post at a time.)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

sharing is caring

my new mobile phone just imported all my numbers last name first.

i never use it last name first cause i never remember last names, so i was annoyed for a millisecond, until i realized my first entry is

Agostini, James

and so, it is. and it stays.

i found a really cool video of a dude in my neighborhood who made a kayak out of water bottles, and i went to hit share. you know, where you can email the vid to your favorite friends.

the first entry in my share address book is


and i remembered when i first schooled you on "email" and set up your new hotmail account. i had my new hotmail email, and thought i was so cool. you were home with me for a few days that week, we were hanging out. you were on first dell laptop that weighed 50lbs. i showed you how it worked, and you couldnt believe it.

you introduced me to classic soul,
i introduced you to technology.

i said think up a name that you want people to send you email to!

and you said my baby girl

and i said are you gay? i wont tell. mybabygirl at hotmail dot come is kinda gay.

and he said nah i just want everyone to remember her name

and i said are you sure? cause that pink shirt is flaming. and i love you even if do you take it up the ass

and he said you're the only one taking it up the ass, zaida

and i said then why were your feet touching the ceiling? and if you keep telling that story im going to tell everyone the truth!

and he said jordynlynn9

and then a few years later gmail came out and i sent him 1000 invites and he said

stop sending me this shit i have an email address

and i said but hotmail is played out you got to get on the new shit "son"

and he said fuck that what i have is just fine

and i was all you're such a loser all the cool kids have gmail

and he said all the cool kids have gonorrhea

and i said

true, true

xx zaida xx

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