(sharing your stories, one post at a time.)

Monday, June 30, 2008

You, me and Derek Jeter...

I remember when you lived on Pitt Street
and we would always walk everywhere. I remember
when you took me to the East River, to the park.
We took a bat, a ball, and a mitt (as I called it and
you would make fun of me, cuz no one called it
that anymore) I thought it would be great to be
outdoors, with you teaching me how to hit, bat
and throw. Little did I know that this would a four
hour intense "spring training" type of thing.

You taught me how the hold the bat properly, where
to place my foot, how to place my foot. I thought,
I'm a girl, I'll never be able to do this...but you kept
at it and I hit the ball really hard and really far....
and you were so proud of me, now ask me to repeat
it, I wouldn't dare. You threw the ball really hard and
really fast at first, just cuz you wanted to show off
your "skills" but then you slowed up for me, so I that
I actually had a chance to hit the ball. Next we
moved onto you hitting and me catching. I must say
that I've always been a good catcher. Then you showed
me how to hit the ball against the fence so it would get
stuck. I couldn't hit the ball hard enough to make it stick
to the fence.lol. ....You were even ok with the fact that
I bought a Derek Jeter mitt. You gave me hell about it.
You did not let me live it down...lol. I remember you told me
when I first got the glove to oil it down, put a ball in it, tie a rubber
band around in and put it underneath my mattress...that was weird to me
I didn't know why, but next day it fit my hand like a "glove" lol
I was very proud of myself...you have always, always believed in me
and all that I do and that I thank you for. I'm gonna miss my cheerleader

~Kamela :)

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